Real Estate Booking
Select the service you wish to book below in order to schedule a residential real estate photography appointment. Please choose the photo package based on finished square feet of the home.
If you need a last minute appointment, please call or text Brian at (616) 209-8469.
Note: If you are looking for a quote on commercial photography, please click here to complete a request form so that we may provide an accurate estimate, or feel free to contact us with any questions you might have.
Need help figuring out how to stage your listing before the real estate photography session? Download the real estate staging document here:
BMcDonald Photography Staging Document
40 miles round trip from Grand Rapids are included in every booking. Each additional 0-20 miles over this amount are subject to a travel charge of $25.
All images and media are the sole property Brian McDonald Photography and may not be sold or transferred to other parties without our permission. You are purchasing a license for use with a single property.
We reserve the right to use any images and/or media for our advertising purposes.
Payment in full is expected on the scheduled day of the shoot unless other arrangements are made. You may pay by cash or check on location. Credit Cards are accepted via online invoicing.
Please see the full Terms & Conditions document for complete details.
Brian McDonald Photography reserves the right to update these Terms and Conditions at any time.
Cancellation Policy: Appointments canceled within 24 hours of the scheduled shoot time will incur a $65 cancellation fee.